A.O. Smith Century Pool & Spa Motor User Manual

Page 27

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6 . Remove the bearing(s) from the motor shaft,

following these steps as necessary :
a )Remove shaft collars used to secure bearings.

D o n ’t reuse a bearing that is removed from
the shaft.

7 .Install the new shaft bearing(s). It is important

to press only on the bearing inner race. The
bearing will be damaged if the outer race surface
is pressed.
a ) Fan end. Place the short end of the shaft on a

wood block. Place the bearing (and other parts
used) over the long end of the shaft. Tap the
bearing into place, using the proper size tube and
a mallet. Attach any other parts (as used) to the
long shaft end.

b )Opposite end. Place the long end of the shaft on

the wood block. Place the bearing over the short
end of the shaft. Tap the bearing into place, using

the proper size tube and a mallet.

8 .Reassemble the motor in reverse of the

disassembly pro c e d u re .
a )O b s e rve all reassembly pre c a u t i o n s .
b ) Check wiring diagrams to assure proper wiring if

the leads have been removed from the term i n a l s .

c ) TURN ON THE POWER. Check the motor for

p roper electrical and mechanical operation when
it has been re i n s t a l l e d .

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