A.O. Smith Century Pool & Spa Motor User Manual
Page 11

1 .C AT NO (Catalog Number): This number indicates
that the motor is a stock rating, readily available
f rom standard inventory as a replacement pool
m o t o r.
2 . PA RT: This identifies the motor’s specific design
by part number.
3 .FR (Frame): The frame identifies the mounting
and shaft configuration. It doesn’t indicate the
diameter of the shell. A.O. Smith’s line of Centurion
and Centurion SE motors have a “56 frame” shell
and are 6.5 inches in diameter. Neptune and
Flex-48 products are designed in a 48 frame shell
and are 5.6 inches in diameter. Common terms you’ll
see on the nameplate are “56J,” “56C” and “56Y.”
The 56J is always a C-flange, threaded-shaft motor;
the 56C is always a C-flange, keyed-shaft motor.
M o t o r-frame mountings with the “Y” identification
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