Nameplate information – A.O. Smith Century Pool & Spa Motor User Manual

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identify motors not specified by NEMA mounting
and shaft standards.

4 .T Y P E : The electrical design of the motor is shown

by its type. A.O. Smith uses “CX” to identify its
switchless design. Other codes include “CS” for

c a p a c i t o r- s t a rt, “S P” for split-phase and “CP” for
capacitor start / capacitor run. Be sure to check with

the dealer or distributor, because motor type codes

may vary among manufacture r s .

5 . HP (Horsepower): Conventional unit of measure -

ment for power. One horsepower equals 746 watts.

6 .RPM (Revolutions Per Minute): RPM states the

rotational speed of the shaft at rated load.

7 . HZ (Hertz): M e a s u rement of fre q u e n c y, equaling

cycles per second of alternating curre n t .

8 .PH (Phase): Denotes a single- or three-phase

m o t o r.

9 .SF (Service Factor): S e rvice factor is the measure

of the re s e rve margin built into a motor. Motors

rated over 1.0 SF allow the motor to operate at a
higher margin than designated by the horsepower
rating. Maximum horsepower capability equals
horsepower multiplied by the SF.

(continuous operation).

1 0 .V O LT S : Voltage is the re q u i red electrical potential

applied to the motor, the force that produces current
in an electrical conductor.

1 1 .A M P S : Electrical current flowing through the

conductors. On pool motors, the amperage is
maximum or service factor amps that result at

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