A.O. Smith Century Pool & Spa Motor User Manual
Page 13

maximum horsepower (Hp x SF).
1 2 .T I M E : Time indicates the duty cycle of the motor.
Pool and spa motors are generally rated for
continuous duty.
1 3 .AMB (Ambient Te m p e r a t u re ) : The maximum
ambient (surrounding) temperature in which the
motor is designed to operate. This temperature
is shown in Celsius rather than Fahre n h e i t .
1 4 .INSUL CLASS (Insulation Classification):
The temperature rating of insulation used in the
c o n s t ruction of the motor. Most pool and spa
motors use a Class “B” insulation.
1 5 .ENCL (Enclosure ) : Common enclosures used
include DP (dripproof) and TEFC (totally enclosed
fan cooled). Most pool and spa motors feature a
d r i p p roof design, with “1081” features.
1 6 .CODE: The NEMA code letter specifies locked
rotor kVA per Hp (volts multiplied by locked rotor
amps, divided by 1000 times rated HP).
1 7 .S E R I A L : The serial indicates the date of
m a n u f a c t u re, which often appears as year/month
combinations. Serial code information for each
pool and spa motor can be found in guides and
bulletins provided by the manufacturer (See p.55).
1 8 .V O LTAGE DIAGRAM: This diagram provides
i n f o rmation on the correct electrical connections
to ensure proper operation of the motor.
1 9 .WA R N I N G : The warning at the bottom of the label
re-emphasizes that voltage can be hazardous.
Always TURN THE POWER OFF before working on
a pool or spa motor.
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