Motor troubleshooting – A.O. Smith Century Pool & Spa Motor User Manual
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bearings because this could damage the motor and
cause a re t u rn service call.
2 .Remove the cover from the motor and disconnect
the electrical supply leads from the terminal board.
Then remove the electrical cable
or conduit from the end frame.
3 . Remove the motor from the
pump unit.
4 . Mark the brackets and frame
of the motor, to assure corre c t
alignment of these parts when reassembling them.
5 . Remove the rotor and shaft from the frame of the
m o t o r, following these steps as necessary :
a ) Take out the thru-bolts that secure the brackets
to the frame.
b )Remove the bracket opposite the shaft by
placing a screwdriver blade in the notches of
this bracket and tapping the handle of the
s c re w d r i v e r.
c ) Remove the locking collar screws and washers if
their use prevents removal of the rotor assembly
f rom the shaft end bracket.
d ) C a refully pull the shaft/rotor assembly out of the
shell or stator toward the shaft extension end.
e ) Be careful not to lose the washer and bearing
load spring that is positioned in the bottom of the
bearing bore of the bracket opposite the shaft
extension. Be sure to replace this spring during
re a s s e m b l y.
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