AOC P/N : 41A50-144 User Manual

Page 51

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2.3 Analog-to-Digital Converter

2.3.1 Pin Connection

The RGB signals are to be connected to the gmZAN1 chip as described in Table 8 and Table 9.

Table 8. Pin Connection for RGB Input with Hsync/Vsync

GmZAN1 Pin Name (Pin Number)

CRT Signal Name

Red+(#95) Red
Red- (#94)

N/A (Tie to Analog GND for Red on the board)

Green+(#91) Green
Green- (#90)

N/A (Tie to Analog GND for Green on the board)

Blue+(#87) Blue
Blue- (#86)

N/A (Tie to Analog GND for Blue on the board)

HSYNC/CS (#150)

Horizontal Sync

VSYNC (#148)

Vertical Sync

Table 9. Pin Connection for RGB Input with Composite Sync

GmZAN1 Pin Name (Pin Number)

CRT Signal Name

Red+(#95) Red
Red- (#94)

N/A (Tie to Analog GND for Red on the board)

Green+(#91) Green

When using Sync-On-Green this signal also carries the sync pulse.

Green- (#90)

N/A (Tie to Analog GND for Green on the board)

Blue+(#87) Blue
Blue- (#86)

N/A (Tie to Analog GND for Blue on the board)

HSYNC/CS (#150)

Digital composite sync. Not applicable for Sync-On-Green

The gmZAN1 chip has three ADC’s (analog-to-digital converters), one for each color (red, green, and blue). Table 10
summarizes the characteristics of the ADC.

Table 10. ADC Characteristics





RGB Track & Hold Amplifiers
Band Width


Settling Time to 1/2%


Full Scale Input = 0.75V, BW=160MHz(*)

Full Scale Adjust Range @ R,G,B Inputs



Full Scale Adjust Sensitivity

+/-1 LSB

Measured @ ADC Output (**)

Zero Scale Adjust Range

For a larger DC offset from an external
video source, the AC coupling feature is
used to remove the offset.

Zero Scale Adjust Sensitivity

+/-1 LSB

Measured @ ADC Output

ADC+RGB Track & Hold Amplifiers
Sampling Frequency (fs)




+/- 0.9LSB fs = 80 MHz


+/- 1.5LSB

fs = 80 MHz

Channel to Channel Matching

+/- 0.5LSB

Effective Number of Bits (ENOB)

7 Bits

fin = 1MHz, fs=80 MHz Vin= -1db below
full scale=0.75V

Power Dissipation


fs=110 MHz, Vdd=3.3V

Shut Down Current


(*) Guaranteed by design (**) Independent of full scale R,G,B input

The gmZAN1 ADC has a built-in clamp circuit. By inserting series capacitors (about 10 nF) the DC offset of an
external video source can be removed. The clamp pulse position and width are programmable.