Driving the tractor and implement, Driving the tractor and implement -13, Operation – Alamo Switchblade Sickle Bar 5 User Manual
Page 87: Opera t ion
SB5/6 03/09
Operation Section 3-13
© 2009 Alamo Group Inc.
Safe tractor transport requires the operator possess a thorough knowledge of the model being operated and
precautions to take while driving with an attached implement. Ensure the tractor has the capacity to handle the
weight of the implement and the tractor operating controls are set for safe transport. To ensure safety while
driving the tractor with an attached implement, review the following. OPS-U- 0012
Never operate the Tractor or Implement until you have read and
completely understand this Manual, the Tractor Operator’s Manual, and
each of the Safety Messages found in the Manual or on the Tractor and
Implement. Learn how to stop the tractor engine suddenly in an
emergency. Never allow inexperienced or untrained personnel to
operate the Tractor and Implement without supervision. Make sure the
operator has fully read and understood the manuals prior to operation.
Transport only at speeds where you can maintain control of the
equipment. Serious accidents and injuries can result from operating this
equipment at high speeds. Understand the Tractor and Implement and
how it handles before transporting on streets and highways. Make sure the Tractor steering
and brakes are in good condition and operate properly.
Before transporting the Tractor and Implement, determine the proper transport speeds for
you and the equipment. Make sure you abide by the following rules:
Test the tractor at a slow speed and increase the speed slowly. Apply the Brakes smoothly
to determine the stopping characteristics of the Tractor and Implement. As you increase
the speed of the Tractor the stopping distance increases. Determine the maximum
transport speed not to exceed 20 mph (30 kph) for transporting this equipment.
Test the equipment at a slow speed in turns. Increase the speed through the turn only after
you determine that the equipment can be operated at a higher speed. Use extreme care
and reduce your speed when turning sharply to prevent the tractor and implement from
turning over. Determine the maximum turning speed for you and this equipment before
operating on roads or uneven ground.
Only transport the Tractor and Implement at the speeds which allow you to properly control
the equipment.
Be aware of the operating conditions. Do not operate the Tractor with weak or faulty brakes
or worn tires. When operating down a hill or on wet or rain slick roads, the braking distance
increases: use extreme care and reduce your speed. When operating in traffic always use
the Tractor’s flashing warning lights and reduce your speed. Be aware of traffic around you
and watch out for the other guy.