Kodak P880 User Manual
Page 61

Doing more with your camera
This setting is kept across PASM
and independently in C until
you change it.
Normal (default)
Slow Flash Setup
Choose a slow-flash setting
option. Access to the Front
Sync (default) setting is also
available in the Flash button
menu (
This setting is kept across PASM
and independently in C until
you change it.
Front Sync (default)
—synchronizes at the
beginning of the shutter. Ideal for night-scene
background; fast shutter speeds can make
background too dark. This feature allows both a slow
shutter speed for the background to enhance the
detail and a flash for the subject.
Front Sync Redeye
—Front-curtain sync and
Red-eye are simultaneously set. Ideal for a person
against a brightly lit night background. Lets you
capture the background correctly and reduce the
Rear Sync
—synchronizes at the end of the
shutter. The flash fires just before the shutter closes to
create a stream-of-light effect behind a moving object
for a more natural appearance.
Place the camera on a flat surface or tripod.
Copy to Custom
Transfer current settings on
the camera to a Custom
Save settings to 1 of 3 Custom modes.
Only the settings from PASM are saved as Custom
Custom Exposure Mode
Choose a preferred capture
exposure mode. (See Custom
This setting remains until you
change it.
Program (default)
Aperture Priority
Shutter Priority
Available only in Custom (C) mode.
Options that appear in Liveview