Silent Call Gentex 710ls User Manual

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Architect & Engineering Specifications

The Photoelectric Detector Shall be a Gentex Model 710/713LS/7109/7139LS or approved equal which shall provide at least the following features and
1. Nominal sensitivity shall be 2.5%.
2. The alarm shall utilize an infrared LED sensing circuit which pulses in 4 to 5 second intervals; when subjected to smoke the pulse rate shall

increase 8 times. After 2 consecutive pulses in smoke, the detector will alarm.

3. The alarm shall provide minimum 5-to-1 signal-to-noise ratio in the optics frame to assure stability of operation in environments of high RF and

transient conditions.

4. The sensing chamber shall be fully screened to prevent entrance of small insects, thus reducing the probability of false alarms.
5. A solid state piezo alarm rated at 90dBA at 10 ft.
6. A visual LED monitor (condition indicator) will pulse in normal operation and steady on in alarm.
7. The visual signal shall have a minimal light output of 177 Candela.
8. An easily accessible test knob shall be provided. The test knob in the TEST position will simulate an actual smoke condition of approximately 3.5%

causing the detector to alarm within 20-36 seconds. Also the alarm shall test for the most sensitive setting. An alarm during this test will be a
maintenance indicator.

9. The alarm shall be provided with a 9 foot line cord with a strain relief connection, if a portable unit.
10. Unit must be capable of providing a monitored battery back-up.
11. Unit must be UL 217 listed for wall mount.
12. Unit shall also meet all requirements of the State of California Fire Marshal, Bureau of Standards and Appeals and the Americans with Disabilities

Act (ADA).

Architect & Engineering Specifications

The Photoelectric Detector Shall be a Gentex Model 710/713CS/7109/7139CS or approved equal which shall provide at least the following features
and functions.

1. Nominal sensitivity shall be 2.5%.
2. The alarm shall utilize an infrared LED sensing circuit which pulses in 4 to 5 second intervals; when subjected to smoke the pulse rate shall

increase 8 times. After 2 consecutive pulses in smoke, the detector will alarm.

3. The alarm shall provide minimum 5-to-1 signal-to-noise ratio in the optics frame to assure stability of operation in environments of high RF and

transient conditions.

4. The sensing chamber shall be fully screened to prevent entrance of small insects, thus reducing the probability of false alarms.
5. A solid state piezo alarm rated at 90dBA at 10 ft.
6. A visual LED monitor (condition indicator) will pulse in normal operation and will remain solid in alarm.
7. The visual signal shall have a minimal light output of 177 Candela and will flash one time per second.
8. An easily accessible test knob shall be provided. The test knob in the TEST position will simulate an actual smoke condition of approximately

3.5% causing the detector to alarm within 20-36 seconds. Also the detector shall test for the most sensitive setting. An alarm during this test will
be a maintenance indicator. Return to Gentex for maintenance.

9. The alarm shall be provided with a Form C contact for remote annunciation purposes.
10. The manufacturer shall provide other compatible detector models with the following optional features: a) auxiliary Form C relay contact for

initiating remote functions and annunciation; b) relay option that is capable of activation by tandem interconnect wire.

11. Unit must be capable of providing a monitored battery back-up.
12. Unit must be UL 217 and UL 1971 listed for wall mount.
13. Unit shall also meet all requirements of the State of California Fire Marshal, Bureau of Standards and Appeals and the Americans with

Disabilities Act ADA).

All equipment shall be completely factory assembled, wired and tested, and the contractor shall be prepared to submit a certified letter
testifying to this condition. Detectors which do not meet all of the requirements of this specification will not be considered.

12 units per carton
21 pounds per carton

Important Notice:

These materials have been prepared by Gentex Corporation ("Gentex") for informational purposes only,
are necessarily summary, and are not purported to serve as legal advice and should not be used as such.
Gentex makes no representations and warranties, express or implied, that these materials are complete
and accurate, up-to-date, or in compliance with all relevant local, state and federal laws, regulations and
rules. The materials do not address all legal considerations as there is inevitable uncertainty regarding
interpretation of laws, regulations and rules and the application of such laws, regulations and rules to par-
ticular fact patterns. Each person's activities can differently affect the obligations that exist under applica-
ble laws, regulations or rules. Therefore, these materials should be used only for informational purposes
and should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional legal advice. Gentex will not be responsi-
ble for any action or failure to act in reliance upon the information contained in this material.