Revolabs HD Venue Basic User Guide User Manual
Microphone indicator lights, How to use revolabs wireless microphones

Microphone Indicator Lights
Microphone in Charger Base
Microphone not in Charger Base
Microphone LED
Base Station
Microphone powered OFF or
battery discharged
Two RED flashes every
1.5 seconds
Two RED flashes every
1.5 seconds
Microphone paired and muted
One GREEN flash every
1.5 seconds
One GREEN flash every
1.5 seconds
Microphone paired and ―live‖
Solid RED
Solid RED
Pairing mode or confirmation of
Alternating slow GREEN
and RED flashes
Alternating slow GREEN
and RED flashes
Microphone or channel not paired
YELLOW flash alternating
with GREEN flash
GREEN Flashing
Microphone low battery
YELLOW flash alternating
with two RED flashes
RED Flashing
Microphone low battery
(mic muted)
Alternating RED,
Searching for a connection, or out
of radio range. Microphone will try
to re-establish the link for about
15 minutes, and then turn off
Rapid RED flashes
continuing for more than
a few seconds
Radio congestion. Contact your
AV service provider for advice.
Groups of five rapid RED
Unit is faulty. Contact your AV
service provider for advice.
Microphone LED
Solid RED
Charging in Progress
Charging Complete
Technical Support 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST 1–800–326–1088
[email protected]
How to Use Revolabs Wireless Microphones
LED Indicator — visual status for mute, un-mute, and pairing.
Mute button — press to mute, un-mute and pair microphone.
Muting Revolabs Wireless Microphones
Revolabs HD Wearable Microphones turn on and mute automatically when removed from the
Charger Base. This reduces noise while being placed into position. The LED will cycle
through all of the colors upon initiation and then flash RED to indicate muted status Un-mute
the microphone by pressing and releasing the Mute button (flashing GREEN: un-muted).
Pairing Wireless Microphones to Base Station
Pairing creates a link between the HD Wireless Microphone and the Base Station, with a
unique electronic serial number. When the microphone and Base Station have been
previously paired, the mic will automatically try to connect to the same Base Station whenever
it is lifted from the Charger Base.
Turn the microphone OFF (no LED activity). If the microphone is ON, press and hold the
Mute button for 10 seconds until the LED turns solid RED then release the button to turn
the unit off.
Put the Base Station into pairing
mode by pressing and holding the
button for the desired channel on
the Base Station for seven seconds
until the LED turns solid RED, then
Within 30 seconds, push and hold the Mute button on the microphone
seven seconds. The LED will turn solid RED. Release the Mute
Technical Support 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST 1–800–326–1088
[email protected]