Prerequisites, Prerequstes – MSI Z77A-G43 GAMING User Manual
Page 96

Intel SBA
Supported Operatng Systems
Intel SBA supports followng OS:
Wndows 7 Professonal 64-bt and 32-bt
Wndows 7 Enterprse 64-bt
Requred User Permssons
You must run the nstaller and the customzaton wzard wth a user that has local ad-
mnstrator permssons on the computer.
Wndows Update Settngs
In certan condtons, the Wndows Update task n the PC Health Center applcaton s
dsabled and cannot be enabled. Ths can occur f Intel SBA s nstalled on a computer
where Wndows Update was dsabled durng nstallaton of the Wndows operatng sys-
tem. The Wndows Update task s shown n the GUI but s grayed out (dsabled). Even
f the end user enables Wndows Update n the operatng system, the PC Health Center
task cannot be enabled. Ths means that the end user cannot use PC Health Center to
manage Wndows Update.
To prevent ths, make sure that you do NOT select the Never check for updates opton
when nstallng the Wndows operatng system.
Wndows Task Scheduler
Some PC Health Center tasks are applcatons that can also be used drectly from the
operatng system and scheduled va the Wndows Task Scheduler. When a task s set
va PC Health Center, an alarm clock s set that wll wake up the computer f t s turned
off. Definng a scheduled tme for an applcaton/task outsde of PC Health Center does
not set an alarm clock. Ths means that the computer wll not be woken up to do the
For ths reason, t s NOT recommended to define schedules for these applcatons:
Wndows Updates
Wndows Backup and Restore
Dsk defragmentaton
Instead, let the end user set the schedule for all these tasks va PC Health Center.