Installing driver, Installng drver, Important – MSI Z77A-G43 GAMING User Manual
Page 84
Intel RAID
Please follow the nstructon below to make an “Intel
RAID Drver” for yourself.
Insert the MSI DVD nto the DVD-ROM drve.
Clck the “Browse CD” on the Setup screen.
Copy all the contents n \\Storage\Intel\PCH 7\f6flpy-x86 or f6flpy-x64 to a formatted
floppy dskette.
The drver dskette for Intel
RAID Controller s done.
Installng Drver
New Wndows 7/ Wndows XP Installaton
The followng detals the nstallaton of the drvers whle nstallng operatng system.
When you start nstallng Wndows XP, you may encounter a message statng,
“Setup could not determne the type of one or more mass storage devces nstalled
n your system”. If ths s the case, then you are already n the rght place and are
ready to supply the drver. If ths s not the case, then press F6 when prompted at
the begnnng of Wndows setup.
Press the “S” key to select “Specfy Addtonal Devce”.
You should be prompted to nsert a floppy dsk contanng the Intel
RAID drver
nto the A: drve.
Note: For Wndows XP, you can use the USB floppy drve only.
For Wndows 7 you can use CD/ DVD/ USB drve.
For Wndows 7: Durng the Operatng system nstallaton, after selectng the loca-
ton to nstall Wndows 7 clck on “Load Drver” button to nstall a thrd party SCSI or
RAID drver.
When prompted, nsert the floppy dsk or meda (CD/DVD or USB) you created n
step 3 and press Enter.
You should be shown a lst of avalable SCSI Adapters.
Select the approprate Intel RAID controller and press ENTER.
The next screen should confirm that you have selected the Intel
RAID controller.
Press ENTER agan to contnue.
You have successfully nstalled the Intel
Rapd Storage Technology drver, and
Wndows setup should contnue.
Leave the dsk n the floppy drve untl the system reboots tself. Wndows setup wll
need to copy the files from the floppy agan after the RAID volume s formatted, and
Wndows setup starts copyng files.