Drivers and utilities, Drvers and utltes -31, Chapter 1 drvers and utltes – MSI Z77A-G43 GAMING User Manual

Page 43: Total installer, Important

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Chapter 1

Drvers and Utltes

After you nstall the operatng system you wll need to nstall drvers to maxmze the

performance of the new computer you just bult. MSI manbaord comes wth a Drver

Dsc. Drvers allow the computer to utlze your manboard more efficently and take

advantage of any specal features we provde.

Total Installer

Total Installer s very easy to use and does a great job of findng necessary drvers.

Please follow the steps below to nstall drvers and utltes for your new computer.

Insert MSI Drver Dsc nto the optcal drve. The setup screen wll automatcally

appear f autorun s enabled n OS.
Clck Total Installer. A popup dalog wll appear lstng all necessary drvers.



Select all checkbox on drver lstng dalog.
Clck Install button.
The software nstallaton wll then be n progress, after t has finshed t wll prompt

you to restart.
Clck OK button to finsh.
Restart your computer.

You can also use the same method to nstall the utltes.


The pcture above s for reference only and may vary from the product you purchased.

Please refer to the actual screens of your system for detaled nformaton.



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