7 nas network – EasyN F2 Series Central Management System User Manual
Page 16

NOTE: You can also add four windows file playback.
Del File: Delete Windows files
Syncplay: Select "Syncplay" when the four
windows can simultaneously playback; do not choose to "Syncplay" when the
four windows can be synchronized playback.
4.7 Nas Network
Nas Network: Nas Ipcam device window
IP drop-down list to select Nas Ipcam of IP, video list on the left will list all the
video of this Ipcam events, including the channel, start time, end time;
Left double-click the video event, the right side of the screen to a video broadcast of
this event.
Right Double-click the video event that will download the video, download the
complete path will be in the lower right corner displays the list of downloaded videos.
Or in the bottom left of the edit channel, start time, end time, and then point the play
button or download button to play or download.