Cirrus Logic CRD5490 User Manual
Features, Overview

Cirrus Logic, Inc. 2012
(All Rights Reserved)
Cirrus Logic, Inc.
CRD5490-Z Power Monitor
• Easy-to-use Power Monitoring Reference Design
– Plug one side into a wall outlet and an electric load
into the other side.
– Read real time measurements on the PC GUI via
USB in seconds.
• Real Time Measurements:
– Line Voltage
– Load Current
– Active Power
– Reactive Power
– Apparent Power
– Power Factor
– Fundamental Line Frequency
– Temperature
• Operational Voltage 90VAC to 260VAC
• Maximum RMS Load Current 15A
• Factory Calibrated and Recalibration Capable
• Compact AC/DC Buck Converter
• Onboard PIC18 Microcontroller
• Windows
GUI Software
The CRD5490-Z is designed to evaluate the functionality
and performance of the CS5490 power/energy
measurement device. The CRD5490-Z integrates an
efficient and compact AC/DC drop capacitor/buck
power supply, voltage and current sensors, and low-cost
USB MCU. This compact, complete power monitor
system integrates easily in any design evaluation.
The CRD5490-Z was designed with a graphical user
interface (GUI) for power measurements and calibration
execution. A full-featured GUI is provided to access real
time line voltage, load current, active power, reactive
power, apparent power, power factor, and temperature.
The software provides full access and control of the
CS5490 calibration and configuration without having to
learn specialized commands.
Reference Design
Document Outline
- Features
- Overview
- 1. Characteristics and Specifications
- 2. Hardware Overview
- 3. Software Overview
- 4. Revision History
- 4. Schematic
- 5. Bill of Materials
- 6. Layout