Cirrus Logic CDB4382 User Manual

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1. CS4382 DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERTER ......................................................................... 3
2. CS8414 DIGITAL AUDIO RECEIVER ....................................................................................... 3
3. INPUT/OUTPUT FOR CLOCKS AND DATA ............................................................................ 3
4. POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITRY ................................................................................................. 3
5. GROUNDING AND POWER SUPPLY DECOUPLING ............................................................. 3
6. CONTROL PORT SOFTWARE ................................................................................................ 3
7. DSD OPERATION ..................................................................................................................... 4
8. ANALOG OUTPUT FILTER ...................................................................................................... 4
9. ERRATA .................................................................................................................................... 5


Figure 1. Instrumentation Amplifier Configuration ........................................................................... 4
Figure 2. System Block Diagram and Signal Flow .......................................................................... 6
Figure 3. CS4382 ............................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 4. CS8414 Digital Audio Receiver........................................................................................ 8
Figure 5. PCM Input Header ........................................................................................................... 9
Figure 6. DSD Input Header.......................................................................................................... 10
Figure 7. Control Port Interface ..................................................................................................... 11
Figure 8. Channel Pair 1 Outputs and Mute .................................................................................. 12
Figure 9. Channel Pair 2 Outputs and Mute .................................................................................. 13
Figure 10. Channel Pair 3 Outputs and Mute................................................................................ 14
Figure 11. Channel Pair 4 Outputs and Mute................................................................................ 15
Figure 12. Power Supply Connections .......................................................................................... 16
Figure 13. Silkscreen Top ............................................................................................................. 17
Figure 14. Top Side....................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 15. Bottom Side.................................................................................................................. 19


Table 1. System Connections ........................................................................................................ 4
Table 2. CDB4382 Jumper Settings................................................................................................ 5

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