Introduction – Cirrus Logic CDB1611A-8W User Manual
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The CS1611A is a 230VAC quasi-resonant flyback mode dimmable LED controller IC. The CS1611A uses a digital
control algorithm that is optimized for high efficiency and >0.9 power factor over an input voltage range (207VAC to
253VAC). The CS1611A integrates a critical conduction mode (CRM) boost converter that provides power factor
correction and dimmer compatibility with a constant output current, quasi-resonant flyback stage. An adaptive dim-
mer compatibility algorithm controls the boost stage and dimmer compatibility operation mode to enable flicker-free
operation to <2% output current with leading-edge, trailing-edge, and digital dimmers.
The CDB1611A-8W board is optimized to deliver low system cost in a high-efficiency, flicker-free, phase-dimmable,
solid-state lighting (SSL) solution for incandescent lamp replacement applications. The feedback loop is closed
through an integrated digital control system within the IC. The variation in switching frequency also provides a
spread-frequency spectrum, thus minimizing the conducted EMI filtering requirements. Protection algorithms such
as output open/short, current-sense resistor open/short, and overtemperature thermistors protect the system during
abnormal conditions. Details of these features are provided in the CS1610A/11A/12A/13A TRIAC Dimmable LED
Driver IC data sheet.
The CDB1611A-8W board demonstrates the performance of the CS1611A. This reference board has been de-
signed for an output load of 4
LEDs in series at 550mA (12.0V typical).
This document provides the schematic for the board. It includes oscilloscope screen shots that indicate various op-
erating waveforms. Graphs are also provided that document the performance of the board in terms of Efficiency vs.
Line Voltage, Output Current vs. Line Voltage, and Output Current vs. Dim Angle for the CS1611A dimmable LED
controller IC.
Extreme caution needs to be exercised while handling this board. This board is to be used by trained professionals