WIKA IS-20-H User Manual

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11126418.04 GB/D/F/E 05/2009

WIKA Additional Operating instructions High pressure / Höchstdruck / Hautes pressions / Presión máxima

11126418.04 GB/D/F/E 05/2009

WIKA Additional Operating instructions High pressure / Höchstdruck / Hautes pressions / Presión máxima

Contents Page -4


1. For your safety
2. Starting, operation

Inhalt Seite 5-6


1. Zu Ihrer Sicherheit
2. Inbetriebnahme, Betrieb

Contenu Page 7-8


1. Pour votre sécurité
2. Mise en service, exploitation

Contenido Paginás 9-10


1. Para su seguridad
2. Puesta en servicio, funcionamiento

1. For your safety / 2. Starting, operation


Take appropriate protective measures to prevent parts from being ejected in
the case of faults. Ensure that these protective devices cannot be removed
without using tools.

Please be aware of the fact that within a system under pressure the
maximum pressure for the complete system is determined by the compo-
nent with the lowest admissible operating pressure, even when there are
single components that can be operated with higher pressures. When
a wide range of pressures is expected within a measuring system, all
connected components must be able to withstand the highest possible
pressure peaks.
Open pressure connections only after the system is without pressure!

. Starting, operation


Remove the transmitter out of its package and make sure via the label that you
have the instrument with the right specifications.
Make sure that the mounting position is manufactured absolutely free from burrs and
that the surface is clean.
Remove the protective cap (if it is included in delivery) from the process connection.
Make sure that the sealing cone is undamaged.
Screw in the transmitter by hand then fasten it with an appropriate torque wrench up
to the specified torque (see specifications of your high-pressure equipment supplier).
For transmitters with left-handed thread make sure that the appropriate pressure ring
and screw are used.
Now carry out the electrical connection (see respective drawings of electrical connec-

1. For your safety

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Contents / Inhalt / Contenu / Contenido






