APG Cash Drawer Model 212A Smart SerialPRO User Manual
Model 212a smart serialpro, Interface user’s guide

Model 212A Smart SerialPRO
User’s Guide
Functional Description
Your APG cash drawer includes the 212A Smart SerialPRO
Interface that provides a
programmable RS232 serial connection to the RS232 serial port of the host device (computer,
terminal, etc.). The cash drawer will open when it receives an ASCII sequence (1 or 2 characters:
identical or different) that matches the dip switch settings on the bottom of the cash drawer. The
interface requires an external power supply provided by APG. The interface has diagnostic lights to assist in installation
and troubleshooting. Serial port sharing is accomplished using a “Y” connector, an integral part of the APG supplied
cable. This interface is capable of sharing the serial port with other Point of Sale peripheral devices, such as bar code
scanner, serial printer, pole display, or another cash drawer. When properly configured, the cash drawer and other devices
will share the same information transmitted from the serial port but each will respond to that information independently.
The unique design of this interface allows you to select serial port parameters such as baud rates from 300 to 19200,
parity, data bit word length. The number of opening characters (1 or 2), PC or terminal operation, and the ASCII opening
character sequence are also selectable. The DIP switches for these options are conveniently located on the bottom of the
cash drawer unit near the cable exit. Drawer reporting status is configurable with jumpers inside the cash drawer.
Hardware handshaking is also configurable inside the cash drawer with jumpers on the interface board.
The interface includes a “Y” cable for connection to the serial port. As a standard product, this cable is equipped with 25
pin female (DB25F) connectors and a 25 pin male (DB25M) connector. A 25 pin male (DB25M) to 9 pin male (DB9M)
gender changer and a 25 pin male (DB25M) to 9 pin female (DB9F) gender changer are both included with the cash
Support for MacIntosh
RS422 Interface
The 212A Smart SerialPRO
Interface can be used with a MacIntosh host device by adding the APG Cash Drawer
MacIntosh cable adapter kit. The part number for the adapter kit is M-16E-0212A-MACKIT and is available from APG
Cash Drawer or your Point Of Sale hardware dealer. This kit consists of a DB25 male to 8 pin mini-DIN male cable
adapter and a DB25 female to 8 pin mini-DIN female cable adapter. Both cables connect to the “Y” cable provided with
the cash drawer.
In order to properly interface to the MacIntosh system, switch #5 on Bank C must be changed to the ON position. Since
the MacIntosh does not follow a transmitted signal with a parity check, changing switch #5 on Bank C to the ON position
will disable any parity check performed by the cash drawer. Follow the remainder of the instructions to finish configuring
the cash drawer.
I. Configuration and Use
This Guide assumes the user has some technical experience connecting computer peripherals.
1. Verify DIP switch and jumper settings are applicable to the system. The DIP switches (see Figure 6) on the electrical
interface board are accessible from the bottom of the cash drawer unit.
2. The jumper settings (see Figure 1) are accessible from inside the cash drawer. Remove the till and inner drawer to
access the jumpers if required.
3. Connect the cash drawer to the appropriate dedicated RS-232 serial COM port on the host device with the “Y” cable
using the connector labeled “SERIAL PORT”. If the serial port will be shared, plug the other device into the short
end of the “Y” cable by removing the plastic cap over the DB25 male connector marked “AUX DEVICE”. This
connector is a physical extension of the serial port with all 25 pins corresponding to those on the serial port.
4. Plug the power supply into a suitable 110 VAC power source. Connect the DC plug of the power supply into the jack
located adjacent to the DIP switches on the bottom of the cash drawer.
5. If desired, attach the self-adhesive DIP switch definition sticker to the bottom of the cash drawer, next to the DIP
switch opening for quick reference.
6. Open the cash drawer through the software, or refer to step 7 below.
7. Transmit the opening character(s) from the host to open cash drawer. See Section IIA, B, and C for examples.
Document Outline
- Model 212A Smart SerialPRO® Interface
- User’s Guide
- I. Configuration and Use
- II. Cash Drawer Testing
- B. Opening the Cash Drawer using BASIC
- C. Opening the Cash Drawer using Visual Basic
- MSComm1.CommPort = 1‘ Define COM1 as port to be o
- MSComm1.PortOpen = True‘ Open the serial port
- MSComm1.RTSEnable = True‘ Turn RTS high
- MSComm1.DTREnable = True‘ Turn DTR high
- ...
- MSComm1.Output = “[[“‘ Transmit characters to ope
- ...
- If MSComm1.CTSHolding Then‘ Cash drawer is closed
- ...
- Note that RI for cash drawer status is not adequately supported in Visual Basic. OPOS drivers (which support both methods for drawer status, RI & CTS) are available for developers from the APG website: http://www.apgcd.com.III. Jumper and Switch Setu
- Jumper Settings
- Switch Settings