Rugged Ridge Summer Brief Header, Black Denim, 97-06 Jeep Wrangler User Manual

Island topper roll bar top

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Part 935XX – 13581.XX

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Part number 936XX or 13581.XX


Before you begin, the temperature of the Island Topper (Roll Bar Top) should be above 70 degrees
Fahrenheit. We suggest laying the Island Topper in the sunlight for 1 hour before installation.

1. Locate the front edge of the Island Topper (Roll Bar Top)

As seen in (Fig 1).

2. Place the Windshield Channel inside the top of the

windshield. Screw in the Windshield Channel, working
from one end to the other (Figure 2).

Island Topper

Roll Bar Top

1997-Current Wrangler

Included Components:

1-Island Topper

Figure 1

Figure 2

If your Wrangler does not have a soft top Windshield Channel, your installation requires the purchase of

an aftermarket Windshield Channel (Outland – Rugged Ridge Part # 90104 – 13308.04)