Myron L 6Pfc and 4P User Manual
Page 11

A. Operation
Using the instrument is simple:
Individual or multiple parameter readings may be obtained by
filling individual sensors or entire cell cup area.
Rinse the conductivity cell or pH/ORP sensor (6Pfc) well with
test solution 3 times and refill. Temperature and/or
measurement extremes will require additional rinses for
maximum accuracy.
Press the desired measurement key to start measurement.
Pressing the key again restarts the 15 second “auto oFF” timer.
Note the value displayed or press the MS key to store the
reading (ref. Memory Storage, pg. 21). It’s that simple!
B. Characteristics of the Keys
Though your Ultrameter II has a variety of sophisticated
options, it is designed to provide quick, easy, accurate
measurements by simply pressing one key.
all functions are performed one key at a time.
There is no “off” key. after 15 seconds of inactivity the
instrument turns itself off (60 seconds in CaL mode). User
adjustable up to 75 seconds.
Rarely is it necessary to press and
hold a key (as in Procedure
to Select a Solution, pg. 13; or Conductivity or TDS Calibration,
pg. 16).
C. Operation of the Keys (See Instrument Illustration, pg. i)
1. Measurement Keys in General
any of the 5 measurement keys in the upper part of the keypad turns on
the instrument in the mode selected. The mode is shown at the bottom
of the display, and the measurement units appear at the right. Pressing
a measurement key does this even if you are in a calibration sequence
and also serves to cancel a change (ref. Leaving Calibration, pg. 15).
2. COND, RES and TDS Keys
These 3 keys are used with solution in the Conductivity Cell.
While filling cell cup ensure no air bubbles cling on the cell wall.
If the proper solution is not selected (KCl, NaCl, 442 or User),
refer to Why Solution Selection is available, pg. 12 and
Procedure to Select a Solution, pg. 13.
a. COND Key
Solution to be tested is introduced into the conductivity cell and a press
displays conductivity with units on the right. On the left is
shown the solution type selected for conductivity.