Wins, Sample application, Wins sample application – Beijer Electronics SCOM Protocol EN User Manual

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Ethernet Communication


Beijer Electronics, MAEN975


WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) allows a Beijer Electronics MT230 Nau-
tic Monitor to register a unique name (host name) and map it to its IP-address. Once
registered, the Beijer Electronics MT230 Nautic Monitor can be accessed using this
configurable name, without the knowing its IP-address.

Definition of Host Name

By default, the host name of a Beijer Electronics MT230 Nautic Monitor is defined
using the last two bytes of its MAC-address, converting it to its hexadecimal ASCII
representation and finally succeeding the three characters “LAU”.

A Beijer Electronics MT230 Nautic Monitor with the MAC-address 00-30-AC-10-
17-1A has the host name “LAU171A”, if it is not changed by the user.

Sample Application

The sample communication application chapter shows the full source code of a sim-
ple command line application, developed in plain ANSI-C, including necessary pro-
gram snippets to communicate with a Beijer Electronics MT230 Nautic Monitor via
Ethernet. The sample code can be ported to any operating system supporting ANSI-
C with none or little development effort.

Related information

Command Reference

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Sample Communication Application