Akai max49 User Manual

Page 11

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The first two pages of this
section (Pg1 and Pg2) pertain to specific
Sequences (1-4), as indicated at the top of the
LCD. The rest of the pages pertain to the
Sequencer in general. So the first two pages'
settings may vary between the four Sequences,
but the rest will be the same for all Sequences.

Steps: The number of steps used by the Sequencer. The available range is 01-32 steps.

MIDI Channel: This setting determines over which MIDI channel data is sent. The available settings
are Common, USB A1-A16, and USB B1-B16.

MIDI to DIN: Determines whether or not MIDI data is sent to the MIDI OUT (On) or not (Off). MIDI data
will be sent to MAX49's USB connection regardless of this setting.

Keyshift: When Keyshift is set to On, you can transpose the Sequence in real time (as it is playing) by
pressing a key on the keyboard once, which will "latch" it to that new transposition. When Keyshift is set
to Off, you can only transpose the Sequence by holding down a key; it will return to the Default Key
when the key is released.

Default Key: The default key of the Sequence.

Scale: The scale used by the Sequencer. When a scale other than Chromatic is selected, the faders
will be limited to selecting only the notes available in the scale, which can be useful for avoiding
unintentionally out-of-key notes! The available settings are Chromatic, Major, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian,
Mixolydian, Minor, Locrian, Minor Melo (Melodic Minor), Minor Harm (Harmonic Minor), PentaMajor
(Major Pentatonic), PentaMinor (Minor Pentatonic), Blues, AlteredDom (Altered Dominant), DimWhlHalf
(Diminished Whole-Half-Step), and Whole-Tone.

Start / Stop: This determines what message will start/stop the Sequencer. The available settings are:

Note On / Note Off: The Sequencer will play when [SEQ ON/OFF] is activated and a key on the

keyboard is pressed. If Keyshift is On, the Sequence will be automatically transposed to that key.

Seq On/Off: The Sequencer will play when [SEQ ON/OFF] is pressed.
Play / Stop: The Sequence will play when Play ( ) is pressed and stop when Stop („) is


[SEQ NOTE]: This is a representation of the steps in a Sequence. Use the CURSOR buttons to navigate
through the "grid" format.

Step: The step number.

Note: The note being played for that step. You can also set the note by touching the TOUCH FADERS.

Velo: The velocity of the note being played for that step.

[SEQ CC]: This is a representation of the steps in a Sequence. Use the CURSOR buttons to navigate
through the "grid" format.

Step: The step number.

Value: The value being sent for that step.

CC Number: The MIDI CC# being sent.


Type: The type of event that will be sent. The available settings are MMC, MMC/MIDI, MIDI Real Time, MIDI
CC, Mackie, and HUI.

MIDI to DIN: Determines whether or not MIDI data is sent to the MIDI OUT (On) or not (Off). MIDI data will
be sent to MAX49's USB connection regardless of this setting.

Note: You can select the Sequence to edit by using
the pads. Hold down [SEQ SELECT] then press
one of the bottom four pads to select that Sequence
(the number is printed on the left-hand side above
the pad – 1-4).