Manual programming flowchart (1 of 3), Programming control 15, Figure 3 – Alliance Laundry Systems PHM1263R User Manual

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Programming Control



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Manual Programming Flowchart (1 of 3)


Figure 3


“AUd” - Program when the signal will sound.

“Err-” - Turn on/off certain errors in control.

“E dr” - Drain Error

“E Ub” - Unbalance Error (VFD only)

“E Sd” - Slow Drain Detection

“FILL” - Program fill step options

“LEr-” - Leak Detection

“E oP” - Open Thermistor Error

(temp sensor only)

“E SH” - Shorted Thermistor Error

(temp sensor only)

“LEr1” - Water Leak Detection During

a Machine Cycle

“LEr2” - Water Leak Detection - Day

of Week

“LEr3” - Number of Cycles Between Water

Leak Detection During a Machine Cycle

“0” - “127”

(Available on Software

Version 2 or later)

“dCYC” - Set the default cycle and


“Cy--” - Program aspects for the various

steps in each type of cycle. There are (30)

cycles available for programming.



“SEg1” - Program options for each

segment. There are (8) segments

available for programming

“SgEn” - Segment Enabled/Disabled:

“on” = Enabled

“oFF” = Disabled

“tyPE” - Agitation Type:

1 = 18/3/18

2 = 10/20/10

3 = 3/27/3
4 = 4/56/4

“ASPd” - Agitation Speed (VFD only):

“Lo” = Reduced Speed

“rEg” = Normal Speed

“AgIt” - Program the cycles agitation

action and speed


““FLEn” - Fill Step Enable/Disable:

“on” = Enabled

“oFF” = Disabled

“FLEU” - Fill Level:

“HI” = High Level

“nEd” = Medium Level

“Lo” = Low Level

“1-30” = Fill Level

“tEnP” - Fill Temperature:

“CoLd” = Cold

“UArn” = Warm

“Hot” = Hot

(35°F - 194°F [2°C - 90°C])

“E Ht” - Heat Error (heater only)

“E FL” - Fill Error