Reheating, En-9 – Panasonic NNGD469MEPG User Manual
Page 11

Many convenience foods are readily available
in supermarkets. You may also wish to reheat
homecooked food or leftovers. This can all be
done safely in your oven, however you must
check the food carefully to see if it is piping hot
before serving, just as you would in a
conventional oven.
Chilled foods to be reheated must also be
stored correctly.
How do I choose which method to
reheat by?
The heat method i.e. Microwave only or
Combination depends on the type of food to
be reheated. For foods that do not require
browning, reheat by microwave only.
For foods that do require browning, reheat by
Combination For crispy foods that require bot-
tom heating to stay crisp, use the Panacrunch.
The base of the pan absorbs microwaves and
turns them into radiant heat. It is the ideal ac-
cessory for reheating chilled or frozen quiches,
pizzas, sausage rolls or feuilletés.
How long do I reheat foods for?
There are reheating charts for Microwave and
Combination: these charts give timings that
are a guideline ONLY, as the exact time will
depend on the weight of the food, size of the
dish used and start temperature.
The charts on the following pages use
microwave only or combination depending on
the type of foods. Make sure that you carefully
follow the recommended instructions and
accessories used to get a fair result and check
the food towards the end of reheating.
What should I do if the food I am
reheating does not appear in the
It is not possible to test every food available for
the following charts, however we have
selected a great variety of foods, and suggest
that by following the guidelines given, you can
reheat safely and successfully.
Stirring and turning
Whenever possible, foods should be stirred or
turned over during reheating. This helps
ensure that the food reheats evenly on the
outside and in the centre.
Standing time
Many foods require a STANDING TIME after
reheating. Standing time is a rest time which
allows the heat in the food to continue to
transfer to the centre, thus eliminating cold
spots. If the food has been covered during the
reheating time, then leave the covering on
during the standing time. Stand time is
particularly important for dense foods e.g.
Lasagnes, Gratins, etc and those foods that
cannot be stirred during reheating.
for food such as chilled or ambient meals, a
bowl of soup or a cup of coffee, canned food,
frozen lasagne, chilled or frozen pizzas, chilled
quiches or frozen
potato products, REMEMBER that you can use
the Autoprograms on your oven (details on
pages En-12 -14 of your Operating
Reheating with Auto programs:
Please follow the Min/Max weights noted in
your Operating Instructions as well as the
accessories in display.
Beeps sounds:
it is absolutely necessary to turn or stir the
foods at beeps sounds. Failure to do so may
affect the results of reheating with Automenus.
Panacrunch pan:
the Automenus for Pizzas, Quiches and Oven
fries require the preheating of the Panacrunch
pan; Check on page 15 of your Operating