Mobile manners, Mobile phone etiquette – Asus P565 User Manual
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Mobile phone etiquette
As mobile phone usage rises, there is now a need to create a set of manners in using a mobile phone
in professional and social settings. This section provides you with basic tips with regards to respecting
others while using your mobile phone.
Mobile manners
• Avoid talking on your mobile phone when in enclosed public places such as theaters, libraries,
museums, places of worship, elevators, or auditoriums.
• Avoid using your mobile phone while doing other tasks such as driving, shopping, banking, waiting in
line, or conducting other personal business.
• Avoid using annoying ringtones.
• Avoid taking a call on your mobile phone during business meetings, appointments, or interviews.
• Look for a private place to take a call, and keep your phone conversations brief.
• Talk on your mobile phone quietly, and do not shout.
• Put your mobile phone on silent or vibrator mode to avoid disturbing others.
• Ask permission before taking a picture or a video clip of another person.
• Avoid using capital letters when sending SMS messages as this can be interpreted as shouting.
• When making a call, introduce yourself to the person at the other end of the line, and do not hang up
without saying goodbye.