Accton Technology CheetahAccess Wireless Gateway AC-IG2004W User Manual
Page 8

Viewing Network and Device Status
Chapter 5: Configuring Client TCP/IP
Installing TCP/IP Protocol in Your PC
Setting TCP/IP to Work with the CheetahAccess
™ Wireless Gateway
Dynamic IP Allocation via a DHCP Server
Verifying Your TCP/IP Connection
Chapter 6: Configuring Printer Services
Install the Printer Port Monitor
Configure the Network Printer in Windows 95/98/ME/2000
Configure the Network Printer in Windows NT
Configure the Network Printer in Unix Systems
Appendix A: Troubleshooting A-1
Specifications B-1
Twisted-pair Cable
Serial Port to 9-Pin COM Port on PC
Serial Port to 25-Pin DCE Port on Modem
Serial Port to 25-Pin DTE Port on PC
DB-25 Printer Port Pin Assignments