Loopstar, Ethernid, Metr onid – ADC LoopStar MetroNID User Manual

Page 8: Ethernid™ – loopstar, Metronid, Features (con't)

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EtherNID™ – LoopStar



ADC's network interface devices for Ethernet and IP networks


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Features (Con't)

Service creATion & TrAFFic conDiTioninG HArDWAre

Service Mapping

 • create e-Line, e-LAn & e-Tree ethernet virtual circuits

 • identify traffic flows based on frame characteristics

 – Source or destination MAC or IP addresses, masks
 – Ethertype, Port(s), DSCP, IP Precedence or PCP
– Customer & Providers VLAN ID (C-VLAN, S-VLAN)
• Applies one or more actions

– S-VLAN tagging (selective push)
– CoS mapping (set C/S-VLAN tag priority based on DSCP, IP Precedence or PCP, Drop Eligibility)
– Bandwidth Policing (based on DSCP, IP Precedence or PCP values)

Bandwidth Policing

• Limit upstream and downstream cir/eir by filtering criteria or for all traffic. Allows enforcement of
MEF-compliant services

• regulate up to 64 flows (MetroniD Te-r), 15 on other models

Zero-Latency Traffic Shaping


• Pre-conditioning of traffic by using buffer queues to delay and prioritize packets to smooth insertion
into lower speed transport tunnels. no delay added to highest-priority traffic.

Traffic Filtering & Per-Flow Statistics

• Through Traffic Wire-Speed Filtering (L2cP, BPDu, per-vLAn, ethertype, Protocol type, MAc, iP, user

 • Define policies for up to 60 flows (Te-r), 16 on other models

4-to-1 Multi-Port Aggregation

• Latency-free, multi-port aggregation from 4 Fast ethernet ports to a single Gbe. De-aggregate by
vLAn, or any combination of Layer 2 -4 frame criteria. no effect on other service creation or
assurance functions. client-side MTu limited to 1522 bytes.

(1) Available on MetroNID™ models only

(2) Available on EtherNID™ GE, MetroNID TE and MetroNID models only

(3) Available on MetroNID TE and TE-S models only

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