Locating a particular point in a track, Playing tracks repeatedly, Repeat play – Sony SCD-CE595 User Manual

Page 13

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You can locate a particular point in a track
during play or play pause.


When “OVER” appears in the display, the disc has
reached its end. Press and hold m to go back.


Tracks that are only a few seconds long may be too
short for monitoring. In this case, the player may not
search correctly.

You can play an entire disc or a specific track
repeatedly. This function can be used with
1DISC Shuffle Play to repeat all the tracks in
random order (page 14), or with Program Play to
repeat all the tracks in a program (page 14).

Press REPEAT on the remote repeatedly
until “REP” or “REP1” appears in the

REP: For all the tracks on the disc(s).
REP1:For a single track only.

When “REP” is selected, Repeat Play changes
according to the selected play mode.

To cancel Repeat Play

Press REPEAT on the remote repeatedly until
both “REP” and “REP1” disappear.


• Repeat All Play cannot be used with ALL DISCS

Shuffle Play.

• Repeat All Play stops automatically after all the

tracks have been repeated five times.

• If you turn off the player or disconnect the power

cord, Repeat Play is canceled.

Locating a Particular
Point in a Track

Locating a point

Do the following:

While monitoring the
sound (Search)

Press and hold m/M
during play.

By observing the
time indication
(High-Speed Search)

Press and hold m/M
during play pause.

By setting the start
time (Time Search)


Turn l AMS L (or
press ./> on the
remote repeatedly) in stop
mode to select the desired


Press and hold m/M to
set the time to start play
while looking at the display,
then press H.

Playing Tracks

— Repeat Play

When the play
mode is

The player repeats

Continuous Play
(page 9)

All the tracks on all the discs in
sequential order.

Continuous Play
(page 9)

All the tracks on the current disc in
sequential order.

1DISC Shuffle
Play (page 14)

All the tracks on the current disc in
random order.

Program Play
(page 14)

All the tracks in the program in
sequential order.