Sony PEG-NR70V User Manual
Page 4

About the manuals ........................... 5
Which manual to read? .................... 7
Chapter 1
What is the Sony CLIÉ Handheld?
What can you do with your Sony CLIÉ
Handheld? ...................................... 10
System requirements ..................... 12
Sony CLIÉ Handheld components .. 13
Locating the display and keyboard
panel controls .................................. 13
Locating back panel components .... 15
Changing the operating style .......... 17
Locating cradle components ............ 18
Elements of the CLIÉ interface ......... 19
What is on the CLIÉ Installation
CD-ROM? ........................................ 22
CD-ROM contents ............................ 22
How to read the PDF manuals on the
CD-ROM .......................................... 23
Chapter 2
Setting up your Sony CLIÉ
Handheld – Basics
Step 1: Charging your Sony CLIÉ
Handheld .................................... 26
Step 2: Turning on your Sony CLIÉ
Handheld for the first time ........ 27
Opening the display panel ............... 27
Making the initial setting ................ 28
Step 3: Entering data into your
Sony CLIÉ Handheld ................... 32
Desktop for CLIÉ software
on your computer ....................... 35
Table of Contents
Step 5: Connecting your Sony CLIÉ
Handheld and your computer
via the cradle .............................. 39
operation for the first time ........ 40
Chapter 3
Setting up your Sony CLIÉ
Handheld – Advanced
Checking the bundled applications
on your Sony CLIÉ Handheld .......... 44
applications ..................................... 45
Overview of Sony applications ......... 48
Installing the supplied applications
on your computer .......................... 53
Installing Memory Stick Export ........ 55
Installing Sound Converter .............. 55
Installing other third-party
applications ..................................... 56
Installing Acrobat Reader
Uninstalling the supplied
applications ..................................... 57
Installing add-on applications on your
media ............................................. 58
Installing add-on applications from the
Desktop for CLIÉ software .... 59
Installing add-on applications by
beaming them from another
Palm OS
device .............................. 62
Installing add-on applications
directly from the Installation
CD-ROM menu ................................ 64
Removing add-on applications ........ 65