Nikon S6 User Manual
Page 76

er and P
Confi rm that the computer is equipped for wire-
less LAN and click Next. For more information,
click Help.
Connect the COOL-STATION to the computer us-
ing the supplied USB cable and turn the camera
on. Click Next to proceed.
• Windows: If the computer is not confi gured for
wireless LAN, uses fi xed IP addressing, or is run-
ning Windows XP Service Pack 1, the dialog
shown in Step 7 will be displayed. Otherwise
proceed to Step 6.
• Macintosh: Proceed to Step 7.
If the computer uses more than one wireless LAN
adapter or access point, choose the adapter or ac-
cess point the camera will use from the pull-down
menu, then choose the network type (the options
available vary with the existing network confi gu-
• Create an Infrastructure (Access Point) network profi le:
Connect to an existing infrastructure network.
• Create an Ad-hoc (Camera to Computer) network profi le (not available if the com-
puter is already part of a wireless network or uses a fi xed IP beginning with
an address other than 169.254): Create a wireless network consisting only of
the camera and the computer. Recommended for fi rst-time users of wire-
less networks.
• Create Infrastructure (Access Point) and Ad-hoc (Camera to Computer) network profi les:
Connect to an ad-hoc network in one location and infrastructure networks
in others.
• Create Profi le manually: Adjust settings manually.
Click Next to proceed to Step 7.
Varies with
setup type