Nikon AW1 User Manual

Page 77

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Re-insert the O-ring.
After making sure that O-ring and
guide are free of foreign objects, place
the O-ring so that it runs evenly at the
same level all the way round the O-
ring guide, without undue stretching
and without protruding from the



The O-ring requires periodic replacement. Replace the O-ring immedi-
ately if it is damaged, cracked, warped, or has lost its elasticity. O-rings
should be replaced at least once a year even if the product has not
been used; use only O-rings designated for use in this product. O-rings
must be greased before use and whenever the surface appears dry; fail-
ure to observe this precaution could result in the O-ring cracking and
water entering the camera.


Silicon Grease

Coating the O-ring with the supplied silicon grease prevents wear and
ensures that the lens rotates smoothly. Use only the supplied silicon
grease or optional WP-G1000 silicon grease (

0 108); failure to observe

this precaution could result in O-ring becoming stretched or otherwise
deformed. Replacement O-rings and silicon grease can be purchased
from a Nikon camera retailer or Nikon-authorized service representa-
tive. Do not use grease in excessive amounts or apply using paper or
cloth, as this may cause dust or fibers to adhere to the O-ring, making
the product vulnerable to leaks.