Nikon D2HS User Manual
Page 116

Taking Photographs—Exposur
Com pose a photograph, focus, and shoot. Each shot will be pro cessed
to create the num ber of cop ies spec i fi ed in the brack et ing program, and
each copy will have a dif fer ent white bal ance. Mod i fi ca tions to white
balance are add ed to the white balance ad just ment made with white
bal ance fi ne-tun ing (
To cancel bracketing, press the
button and rotate the main com mand
dial until the number of shots in the bracketing sequence is zero and
white-balance bracketing indicators are no longer dis played in the con trol
panels and viewfi nder. The program last in effect will be restored the next
time brack et ing is ac ti vat ed. Bracketing can also be can celled by per-
form ing a two-button reset (
126), al though in this case the brack et ing
pro gram will not be restored the next time brack et ing is activated.
White Balance Bracketing
White balance bracketing is not available at white-balance settings of
color temp.) or
(preset) or at an image quality of NEF (RAW). Se lect ing NEF
(Raw), NEF + JPEG Fine, NEF + JPEG Normal, or NEF + JPEG Basic cancels white bal-
ance bracketing.
Shooting Mode
In single frame and self-timer modes, the number of copies specifi ed in the white
balance program will be created each time the shutter is released. In continuous low
speed and continuous high speed modes, only one shot will be taken each time the
shutter-release button is pressed. Each shot will be processed to create the number of
copies specifi ed in the bracketing program.
Turning the Camera Off
If the camera is turned off while the camera while the memory card access lamp is
lit, the cam era will power off only af ter all pho to graphs in the sequence have been
re cord ed. To turn the camera off without recording the remaining photographs, press
the button while turning the camera off (keep the
button pressed for at least one
second after turning the camera off).
e8—Auto BKT Selection (
If desired, the main command dial can be used to turn bracketing on and off and the
sub-command dial to select both the number of shots and the white-balance incre-