External modem setup – Allied Telesis OmniConnect MultiModem User Manual

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External Modem Setup

Each enabled modem has a Setup screen. The External Modem 1 Setup screen is
used to enter the Internet Service Provider (ISP) login, password and local
telephone access information for External Modem 1. The Internet Service
Provider (ISP) provides you a login name, password and a list of local telephone
numbers. Enter this information in the spaces provided. The OmniConnect will
use this information to establish a connection with the Internet Service Provider.

The Idle Time (seconds) may also be entered. The OmniConnect uses the Idle
Time parameter as the inactivity timer. It waits for Idle Time number of seconds
without any activity prior to disconnecting the connection with the Internet
Service Provider. Setting Idle Time to zero causes the connection to never time
out due to inactivity. The minimum value for Idle Time is 60 seconds and the
maximum value is 600 seconds.

Use this screen to configure the external modem manufacturer and model. Select
the Modem Manufacturer from the list and then select the Modem model
number. If the manufacturer of the external modem is not listed or not known,
then you can select Standard Modem Types as the manufacturer and then select
the Modem speed from the Modem 1 Model list. Additionally, to obtain some
special functionality from the external modem, a custom Modem Initialization
String can be entered by selecting Other as the Modem Manufacturer and then
entering the exact Modem Initialization String in the edit box. The Modem
Initialization String must always contain the string TIMEOUT 10. Enter the
required modem initialization string after this portion.