Resolving a conflict – Campbell Scientific LNDB LoggerNet Database Software User Manual
Page 18

5. Resolving a Conflict
A conflict exists for a table when datalogger columns do not match database
columns. If in "Stop Storing Data" mode (see Section 4 Options), the conflict
must be manually resolved by selecting the table in the left tree of the Setup
tab and then pressing the Resolve… button on the Table Setup screen.
(Alternately, you can select the datalogger in the left tree of the Setup tab, right
click on the table name on the right side of the screen, and select Resolve.)
Clicking the Resolve… button brings up the Resolve Table dialog. You have
two options:
1. Archive Database Table.
2. Modify Database Table. (This option is disabled if a column’s
process, units or data type has changed. The only way to resolve
these conflicts is to archive the database table.)
Once a conflict has been resolved, the conflict icons and bold text are
removed. Storage begins (or continues) for the table once the action(s) have