Campbell Scientific Kipp and Zonen CMP-Series Pyranometers User Manual

Page 13

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CMP/CMA series manual



Figure 7 Relative directional error of a CMP 22

The temperature dependence of the sensitivity is a function of the individual CMP 22. For a given
CMP 22 the response lies in the region between the curved lines in Figure 6. The temperature
dependence of each CMP 21 and CMP 22 pyranometer is characterised and supplied with the
instrument. Each CMP 21 and CMP 22 has a built-in temperature sensor to allow corrections to be
applied if required.

The directional error is the summation of the azimuth and zenith error and is commonly given in %.
Figure 7 shows the maximum relative zenith error in any azimuth direction for the CMP 22. The
directional error of each CMP 21 and CMP 22 pyranometer is characterised and supplied with the

Figure 6 Typical temperature dependency of a CMP 22