General description, 1 introduction – Campbell Scientific HydroSense® Soil Water Content System (CS620, CD620) User Manual

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HydroSense Soil Water Measurement
System (CD620, CS620)

1. General Description

FIGURE 1-1. The HydroSense system consists of

the CS620 sensor (left), the CD620 display (right), and two rods.

1.1 Introduction

The components of the HydroSense system are the CS620 sensor, CD620
display, and two rods. Campbell Scientific offers 12-cm long rods (pn 18591)
or 20-cm long rods (pn 18592). The sensor, display, and rods are purchased

The HydroSense Soil Water Content Measurement System provides a simple
and portable means to measure soil water content. Two modes of operation
allow the display of volumetric water content in percent or relative water
content based on lower and upper reference values chosen by the user. The
relative water content is complemented by deficit values showing how much
water is required to bring water content to the upper reference value.

The combined probe and display weight is approximately 600 gm (1.3 lb).
Two alkaline AAA batteries in the handheld display provide enough power for
several thousand readings. A measurement is made by fully inserting the
probe rods into the soil and pressing a READ button and takes less than one-
half second. To save power, HydroSense automatically goes into sleep mode
after approximately two minutes of inactivity.