Initial inspection, Quickstart, 1 preparation for use and installation – Campbell Scientific CS526 ISFET pH Probe User Manual

Page 10: Preparation for use and installation

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CS526 ISFET pH Probe

3. Initial Inspection

Upon receipt of the CS526, inspect the packaging and contents for damage.

File damage claims with the shipping company.

The model number and cable length are printed on a label at the connection end

of the cable. Check this information against the shipping documents to ensure

the correct product and cable length are received.

4. Quickstart

For complete installation, programming, and calibration information, see

Sections 7.1 through 7.3.

4.1 Preparation for Use and Installation

1. Soak the CS526 in 7-pH buffer solution for 15 minutes.

2. Follow the calibration procedure outlined in Appendix C, Calibration.


Place the CS526 in the liquid being measured. The CS526 ISFET pH

probe can be installed without regard to orientation.

When installing in a well, the 7421 Split Mesh Cable grip is

recommended to center and suspend the cable, reducing cable


4.2 Use SCWin to Program Datalogger and Generate Wiring


Short Cut is an easy way to program your datalogger to measure the CS526 and

assign datalogger wiring terminals. The following procedure shows using

Short Cut to program the CS526.

1. Install Short Cut by clicking on the install file icon. Get the install file

from either

, the ResourceDVD, or find it in

installations of LoggerNet, PC200W, PC400, or RTDAQ software.

2. The Short Cut installation should place a Short Cut icon on the desktop of

your computer. To open Short Cut, click on this icon.