D.1.1 address query command (?!), D.1.2 change address command (aab!), D.1.3 send identification command (ai!) – Campbell Scientific CS215 Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe User Manual

Page 38: D.1.4 start measurement commands (am!), D.1.5 aborting a measurement command, D.1.6 send data command (ad!), D.2 sdi-12 transparent mode, D.1.1, D.1.2, D.1.3

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Appendix D. SDI-12 Sensor Support

D.1.1 Address Query Command (?!)


?! requests the address of the connected sensor. The sensor replies

to the query with the address, a.

D.1.2 Change Address Command (aAb!)

Sensor address is changed with command

aAb!, where a is the current address

and b is the new address. For example, to change an address from 0 to 2, the

command is

0A2!. The sensor responds with the new address b, which in this

case is 2.

D.1.3 Send Identification Command (aI!)

Sensor identifiers are requested by issuing command

aI!. The reply is defined

by the sensor manufacturer, but usually includes the sensor address, SDI-12

version, manufacturer’s name, and sensor model information. Serial number or

other sensor specific information may also be included.

D.1.4 Start Measurement Commands (aM!)

A measurement is initiated with

M! commands. The response to each

command has the form atttnn, where

a = sensor address

ttt = time, in seconds, until measurement data are available

nn = the number of values to be returned when one or more subsequent


commands are issued.

D.1.5 Aborting a Measurement Command

A measurement command (

M!) is aborted when any other valid command is

sent to the sensor.

D.1.6 Send Data Command (aD!)

This command requests data from the sensor. It is normally issued

automatically by the datalogger after measurement commands

aM!. In

transparent mode, the user asserts this command to obtain data.

D.2 SDI-12 Transparent Mode

System operators can manually interrogate and enter settings in probes using

transparent mode. Transparent mode is useful in troubleshooting SDI-12

systems because it allows direct communication with probes. Datalogger

security may need to be unlocked before transparent mode can be activated.

Transparent mode is entered while the PC is in telecommunications with the

datalogger through a terminal emulator program. It is easily accessed through

Campbell Scientific datalogger support software, but is also accessible with

terminal emulator programs such as Windows HyperTerminal. Datalogger

keyboards and displays cannot be used.
