B.2 edlog program – Campbell Scientific CS215 Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe User Manual

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Appendix B. Example Programs

B.2 Edlog Program

The following example is written for the CR10(X). Programs for the CR500,

CR510, and CR23X would be similar. The program below shows a simple

example reading a sensor which has been set up with address 0 (the default)

and connected to control port 1.

;Example program for a CS215 sensor on control port 1
;Measures every minute and stores some summary statistics
;once per hour

*Table 1 Program
01: 60

Execution Interval (seconds)

;Measure the sensor on control port 1
;Note you have to manually assign the labels in the Inloc Editor
;to make sure two locations are free.

1: SDI-12 Recorder (P105)
1: 0000

SDI-12 Address

2: 00

SDI-12 Command

3: 1


4: 1

Loc [ Temp ]

5: 1.

0 Mult

6: 0.0


;Now store some statistics.

2: If time is (P92)
1: 0

Minutes (Seconds --) into a

2: 60

Interval (same units as above)

3: 10

Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)

3: Real Time (P77)
1: 111

Day,Hour/Minute,Seconds (midnight = 0000)

4: Average (P71)
1: 1


2: 1

Loc [ Temp ]

5: Sample (P70)
1: 1


2: 2

Loc [ RH ]

*Table 2 Program
02: 0.0000 Execution Interval (seconds)

*Table 3 Subroutines

End Program
