Campbell Scientific Baler Software User Manual

Page 9

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Only tables that are enabled for scheduled data collection in LoggerNet can be
baled. All of the tables for the datalogger are listed, whether enabled for
collection in LoggerNet or not. If you select a table that is not enabled for
collection the “Enabled” column on the Table Status tab will indicate that the
chosen table has not been enabled for scheduled collection. All tables
scheduled for collection and available for baling from the dataloggers in the
network can be selected from the menu by selecting Edit | Select All Enabled

Next, set the initial time to start baling and the interval on which to bale. The
date can be typed directly into the Date field, or, if the arrow button to the right
of the Date field is selected, a calendar will appear. The current date is
enclosed in a red box and is listed at the bottom of the calendar. The date on
which to start baling is indicated by a solid box. To select a date, click it with
the mouse pointer. The arrow buttons to the left and right of the Month/Year
can be used to move forward or backward in the calendar, month-by-month.

The time to start baling is specified by the entry in the Time field. A time
element is selected by clicking it. The arrow buttons to the right of the Time
field can be used to increase or decrease the selected time element, or you can
enter a time into the field directly. Note that all subsequent baling attempts will
be based on the time set up in this field.

Once baling has begun for a table, baling will continue on the
same schedule even if baling is paused and then restarted. The
only way to change the Initial Bale Starts At Date and Time is to
remove the table from the baling setup and then reselect the


The schedule for how often baling will occur is entered into the Size of Each
Bale field. This field is in the format 00 d(ays) 00 h(ours) 00 m(inutes). As
with the Time field, the arrow buttons to the right of the field can be used to
scroll through each time element, or the bale size can be entered into the field
directly. As an example, the Time and Bale Size shown in the example main
window would set the first baling event to begin at midnight, March 1, 2007,
and subsequent baling events would occur every hour. Each file saved to disk
would contain one hour's worth of data. If there is no new data available for a
particular table, no bale file will be created for that table.

The Baler creates the baled files based on the time stamp of the last record of
collected data for a particular table. As new data is collected, the Baler stores it
in a temporary file (with a *.tmp extension) until a record is retrieved that
completes the bale. This results in data files that have "even" intervals. For
instance, an hourly bale of 1 minute data would contain 60 records, with a time
stamp from the top of the first hour to the top of the next hour (e.g., one minute
data, starting at 10:00 through 10:59). Note that there may be some delay
between the time the data is actually stored to the datalogger's final storage and
the time the baled file is created, based on when the scheduled data collection
takes place in LoggerNet.