5 command line options, Advanced options – Campbell Scientific Baler Software User Manual

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successfully. This data collection method may create areas in the data cache
where data is missing. The discontinuity in the collected data is referred to as
a hole.

Baler’s default behavior is to bale on schedule regardless of holes. If a hole is
encountered in the LoggerNet cache, the resulting bale may have one or more
missing records or the records in the bale may be out of order. If records are
missing from the bale, when LoggerNet eventually collects the hole, the
records will be added to a subsequent bale. They will, therefore, be found in a
different bale than would be expected based on filenames. Select Edit | Wait
for Holes to force Baler to wait until holes are filled before continuing to bale.

6.5 Command Line Options


Multiple instances of the Baler can be run, and separate directories can be
specified for the data files. This is done by setting up a separate shortcut for
each instance to be run and using a command line option to start the Baler. The
syntax is shown in the following command line:

c:\Program Files\CampbellSci\Baler\Baler.exe (/WorkDir = pathname)

where “pathname” is a valid directory path on the computer file system. Each
instance of the Baler started in this manner will save its setting in a separate
*.ini file. This initialization file is saved to the directory specified by the
pathname” command line argument.

For example, a shortcut with the following as the command line in the “Target”
window would start the Baler using the initialization file stored in the directory
“ c:\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\Baler1” .

c:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\Baler.exe /WorkDir=c:\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\Baler1


The /r option is used to change the name of the file that is created by the Baler
from TableName_Date (e.g., OneMinute_2003_06_16_1200.dat) to
Date_TableName (e.g., 2003_06_16_16_1200_OneMinute.dat). The syntax
for a Windows short cut would be:

c:\Program Files\Campbellsci\Baler.exe /r

7. Advanced Options

The user can specify a program to run 30 seconds after a baling event occurs.
(The 30 second timer is reset after each baling event. Therefore, the program
will not be launched until 30 seconds have elapsed without a baling event.)
This program can be an executable file or a batch file. To set up a program to
be run, select Edit | Advanced Options and enter a file name in the File to
Execute field. You can type in the program name directly or press the Browse
button to the right of the field to display a standard file dialog box to search for
a file. If command line options are required for the executable, enter those