File naming and directory structure, Number of files to keep, File format – Campbell Scientific Baler Software User Manual

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3. File Naming and Directory Structure

The file names under which the data will be saved is not user selectable.
However, the user can select the directory in which to save the files. The
default directory for saving files is c:\Campbellsci\Baler\BalingDir. The user
can change the base directory by pressing the Browse button to the right of the
Save Files To field and selecting a new directory from the resulting dialog box.

A subdirectory is created in the chosen base directory for each datalogger from
which data will be retrieved. The subdirectory name reflects the name of the
datalogger. The file naming convention used by the Baler is based on the table
name, the current date, and the time stamp for the first record in the file. For
instance, the file name OneMinute_2003_06_16_1200.dat indicates that the
table name in the datalogger was OneMinute, the file was created on June 16,
2003, and the first record has a time stamp of 1200 (hh mm).

A command line option can be used to change the file name from
TableName_Date to Date_TableName. See Section 6.4.


4. Number of Files to Keep

The Baler is used to retrieve data from the LoggerNet server's data cache, and
save this information to disk on a remote computer. It is expected that this data
will be used for archive and analysis purposes, and that the data files will be
consolidated or manipulated and saved to a different file name or a different

To prevent filling up your hard disk with data files, the Baler has a Number of
Files to Keep field. Enter the maximum number of files that should be saved to
the hard disk for each table. When this maximum number of files is reached,
the oldest files will be deleted as newer files are saved.

5. File Format

By default, data is stored in a TOAC1 format. The File Format option allows
the selection of a different format: TOAC5, TOB, or CSV.

TOACI1 - Comma separated format. Header information for each of the
columns is included.

TOA5 - Comma separated format. Header information for each of the columns
is included, along with field names and units of measure if they are available.

TOB1 - Binary format. Though this format saves disk storage space, it must
be converted before it is usable in other programs.

CSV - Comma separated format. No header information is included.