Midco Unipower A-Series User Manual
Page 3

III Preparation of the
Heating Appliance
IV Combustion Chamber
Make sure that the boiler gauge glass is clean so that water level can be easily ascertained. The
pop safety valve should be checked to see that it is in good operating condition. If an existing low
water cut-off is to be used, make sure it is clean and functioning properly.
The Unipower gas burner is designed for "in-shot" firing. It can be fired into the ashpit of a
boiler designed for solid fuels, or it can be fired into the primary heat exchanger of a boiler or
warm-air furnace designed for liquid or gaseous fuels. The ashpit installation requires a refractory
For conventional firebox boilers refer to Table 2 and Figure 1 for recommended combustion
chamber dimension and typical floor and wall construction. If the recommended dimensions
cannot be provided, make length as long as possible and increase the width to maintain the floor
area. Where the floor are must be reduced, use the optional construction shown in Figures 2 or 3.
Figure 1: Typical Floor and Wall Construction
Standard Size Combustion Chamber up to 225 MBH per square foot
Figure 2: Typical Floor and Wall Construction
Alternate Size Combustion Chamber up to 275 MBH per square foot
Figure 3: Typical Floor and Wall Construction
Alternate Size Combustion Chamber up to 350 MBH per square foot (Maximum)