Place terrarium mesh, Place substrate – Zoo Med WK-10 Terrarium Waterfall Kit User Manual
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Place the Terrarium Mesh over the HYDROBALLS™. You may need to cut the mesh
to fit your terrarium. You may also need to cut a hole in the terrarium mesh to run
the plastic tubing through. This mesh will prevent the top substrate from mixing with
the HYDROBALLS™ and damaging the waterfall pump.
Add the substrate of choice (e.g. Zoo Med’s Eco Earth
) over the screen mesh to
complete the substrate layer set-up. Add additional substrate to contour the land-
scape of your terrarium.
Add dechlorinated water to create a natural aquifer. Use Zoo Med’s ReptiSafe™ ter-
rarium water conditioner to safely remove the chlorine from tap water.
Guide the plastic tubing to the desired position and anchor it to the Mopani Wood
or other appropriate accent (use the plastic elbow if necessary). Please note if you
are using the waterfall pump behind your background you should guide the plastic
tubing and anchor this prior to adding your sub-
strate of choice.
Cutting with
Press the Mesh
down around the
plastic tube.
Patting down
the substrate.
Eco Earth