0 description, 1 scope of applications, 2 operating principles – ARI Armaturen Steam injector PN25 EN User Manual

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Rev. 0040807017 1010

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Operating and installation instructions

Steam injector

4.0 Description

4.1 Scope of applications

Steam injectors are used for direct heating of water by means of steam. In open water tanks
the final temperature should not exceed 90°C.

The information complies to the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC.
It is the responsibility of the machine planner to ensure compliance.
The special markings on the valve must be taken into account.
Refer to the catalogue sheet to see which materials are used in standard versions.
Please contact the supplier or the manufacturer if you have any questions.

4.2 Operating principles

(refer to Fig. 2 page 4)
Steam injectors are end pieces on steam-bearing pipes, which are directly immersed in the
water tank to be heated. The injectors are to accomplish the phase transition from gaseous
steam into liquid condensate, emitting the heat of vaporization. A low-noise operation has
to be achieve. The injector has to carry out a continuously mixing and heat distribution on
the water to be heated.
Steam injectors have to be installed as deep as possible below the water surface. However,
a sufficient minimum distance from the container walls should be introduced to allow a free
and continuously mixing of the water.
The services specified in the data sheet are related to a with saturated steam (vapour)
heated open water tank. With increased power requirements, several steam injectors
should be installed parallel.

Fig. 1

- Refer to the data sheet for applications, limits on use and possibilities.
- Certain media require or preclude the use of special materials.
- The valves are designed for standard operating conditions. If conditions exceed

these requirements, e.g. aggressive or abrasive media, the operator should
state the higher requirements when ordering.