HighPoint RocketRAID 1720 User Manual

Page 38

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RocketRAID 1720 Driver and Software Installation

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To test E-mail notification:

1. Highlight the “Management” menu, and select the “Event Notification” function.

2. Select one recipient from the main window.

3. Click the Test button on the toolbar or select the “Test” command from the “Opera-

tion” menu.

4. The software will send a “test” e-mail message to the selected recipient.

Managing Tasks

The RAID management Console can be used to setup routine, periodical background-

rebuild or verification tasks that will help maintain the integrity of RAID arrays

attached to the RocketRAID 1720.

To setup and schedule tasks highlight the “Management” menu, and select the “Task

Management” function to open Task Management window.

The Task Schedule list displays all of the tasks assigned to the selected remote

system. To view detailed information about a specific task, highlight and Double-click

the task’s name.

Add a Scheduled Task

This command is used to add a Scheduled task for the selected remote system.