Chapter 5 linux driver support, Chapter 6 freebsd driver support, Appendix customer support – HighPoint RocketRAID 2302 User Manual
Page 4
Driver and Software CD ........................................................................................... 4 - 1
Windows Driver Installation .................................................................................... 4 - 4
1 - Installing the RAID Management Console/ Interface Overview ......................... 4 - 5
2 - Software Interface - Overview of commands/functions ...................................... 4 - 6
3 - Creating an Array ................................................................................................ 4 - 8
4 - Deleting an Array .............................................................................................. 4 - 10
5 - Configuring Spare Disks ................................................................................... 4 - 10
6 - Recovering/Verifying Arrays ............................................................................. 4 - 10
7 - OCE/ORLM ..................................................................................................... 4 - 12
8 - Misc. Array/Device Options ............................................................................. 4 - 13
9 - Managing Events .............................................................................................. 4 - 15
10 - Configuring Remote Systems .......................................................................... 4 - 19
11 - Configuring Users and Privileges .................................................................... 4 - 23
Chapter 5
Linux Driver Support
1 - Fedora Core 6 Linux installation Overview .......................................................... 5 - 1
2 - Red Hat Enterprise 4 Overview ........................................................................... 5 - 5
3 - SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) installation Overview .............................. 5 - 10
Chapter 6
FreeBSD Driver Support
1 - Installing FreeBSD on the RocketRAID 230x Controller ..................................... 6 - 1
2 - Installing the RocketRAID 230x Driver on an Existing System ........................... 6 - 4
3 - Updating the Driver ............................................................................................ 6 - 7
4 - Uninstalling the Driver ........................................................................................ 6 - 7
Customer Support
Customer Support ................................................................................................... A - 1
Table of Contents