Vaisala TCI101 NiteStar User Manual

Page 6

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1. Insure the DMI is in the FEET unit mode. If not, depress the
UNIT key until the DMI display shows FT.
NOTE: Nitestar Calibration MUST be done in FEET mode.

2. Insure the DMI is in COUNT/HOLD mode and depress the
1 CAL key. The display will show:

If the display is blank type in 1000 then press MARK/ENTER to
save. To return to calibration mode, press the 1CAL key again.


The NITESTAR can store up to 4 calibra-

tion numbers for 4 different vehicles. The display will show you
are working on the calibration number for car -1 and at present it
is 1000. You may step through the 4 calibration numbers by
pressing the DISP/HOLD key.


Align a fixed point on the vehicle exactly with the marker for the
beginning of the calibration course. A piece of tape temporarily
fixed to the vehicle works well as a reference for the fixed point.

3. Press the RUN/HOLD key.

4. The display will show:


5. Depress MARK/ENTER. The display will show 0. When the
vehicle moves the display will show the pulses counted. The
value displayed is a tabulation of pulses counted by the instru-
ment and not a distance traveled.
NOTE: The SPEED window will NOT operate at this time.

6. At the end of the 1000 foot course, slow the vehicle carefully
so it is exactly aligned with the end of course marker. When the
car is aligned, press the RUN/HOLD key and the number in the
display will become your calibration number for this vehicle, (this
number should be between 400 and 1400).

Please write this num-

ber in the back of your manual or other location that will stay with
the vehicle.

Once you have recorded your calibration number, press
MARK/ENTER and your calibration number is stored in the DMI.
The display should show the course length.

7. Make sure this value is saved by turning the Nitestar off.
(Press the ON/OFF key).

8. If this is the first time you have calibrated a DMI, repeat the
procedure and see if you get the same calibration value.


This manual is related to the following products: