Locking the buttons – Pure PocketDAB 1000 User Manual

Page 13

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Mode Displays the mode of the current service, Stereo

or Mono and the data rate at which the audio
signal is being transmitted. This rate is set by the
broadcaster to suit the type and quality of material
being transmitted.

Signal quality Displays the signal quality for the signal to which you

are tuned. As a guide values from 85 to 100 indicate
good reception, 70 to 84 borderline reception and
0 to 69 poor reception. You can attempt to improve
this signal quality by making sure your headphone
cable is extended, moving location and using the
Tuning aid described on page 15.

Locking the buttons

You can lock all the buttons to prevent accidental operation, for
example, while the unit is in your pocket.

Slide the Lock switch on the top of your PocketDAB 1000 in the
direction of the arrow to lock the buttons. Slide back to unlock the
buttons. The display will show ‘Key lock ON’ if you press a button
when the lock is on.